Donderdagavond 26 september 2013 is de 24e HackersNL (en 8e BEEA) avond in Utrecht. Deze avond staat geheel in het teken van Vim. Vim is een zogenaamde tekst-editor van Nederlandse origine die in November al ruim 22 jaar bestaat! Vim is er voor praktisch elk besturingssysteem en is volledig naar je hand te zetten. Altijd al weten waarom een tekst-editor ouder dan 20 jaar nog steeds populair is (en zelfs populairder lijkt te worden)? Kom dan gerust langs!
If you’ve been programming for a while, chances are that you’ve heard of the Vim editor. It’s by no means new (it’ll be celebrating its 22nd birthday this November), but it still remains the preferred tool for text editing for many a programmer. Come find out why that is, and learn the basics so that you too may unlock its potential.
Over Rob Hoelz
Rob Hoelz is a programmer from the United States, currently working in Amsterdam. He does most of his work in Perl,
but has dabbled in many languages throughout his career. No matter what language he’s writing, though, he prefers the Unix toolset, including the venerable Vim editor.
One thing that’s often overlooked is that in order to use your Vim powers on some code you first have to navigate to it. We’ll be looking at the best ways to instantly get to where you want to be using both built-ins and tools/plugins like ctags and CtrlP.
Over Daan Bakker
Daan is a software developer with a bachelors in CS, working in Amsterdam where he mainly uses Python, C & PHP. He is the author of the (semi-)popular “vim-lint” and “vim-projectroot” plugins. In his spare time he follows new technologies & trends and tends a number of pet projects. He has also participated in the Starcraft Broodwar AI- and various other AI competitions.
Iedere laatste donderdag van de maand om 20:00 is er een BEEA bijeenkomst. De toegang is gratis en iedereen is welkom! Meld je wel even aan als je van plan bent te komen.
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